Ordinance in Chicago Could Make Restaurants Mandatory Gun Free Zones

The Chicago City Council is once again fighting against the 2nd amendment and the concealed carry laws that were just passed in Illinois.  According to  ABC news, Council members are discussing an ordinance that would require any restaurant that serves alcohol in the city to post signs declaring a firearm-free zone.
So what happens if they don’t want to make their restaurant a gun free-zone?  They lose their liquor license and could possibly face other penalties as well.
“There’s a lot of us that simply believe that booze and bullets don’t mix and we don’t think that the concealed carry law should permit people patrons in restaurants to be armed,” Ald. Ed Burke, 14 Ward, said.
Alderman Ed Burke is the one sponsoring this possible ordinance for Chicago as the finance committee makes its considerations.

Many gun advocates are screaming “foul” as the windy city tries to infringe on gun rights yet another time.   An NRA lobbyist, Todd Vandermyde is questioning the legality of this ordinance saying,
“The legislature was very clear when they passed a right to carry law that the jurisdiction and the regulation of carrying a firearm or carrying a handgun when in public is the exclusive jurisdiction of the state, and as much as Ald. Burke wants to stomp his feet and have his little tantrum it’s beyond the power of the city council to regulate this.”
The new concealed carry law in Illinois already bans guns from bars and any other establishment that gets more than 50% of it’s sales through alcohol.  This new attempt by the city council is going after any other establishment that sells alcohol, which could eventually even include grocery stores or other businesses that sell the substance.

Burke says he is not trying to add any new regulations to the gun law, but simply wants to regulate liquor licenses.  Which is just a clever way of trying to make this a “non gun issue”.  But gun owners are not buying it and see this as another way for the city to fight the 2nd amendment rights of its citizens