Glock 17 Gen4 

Even though it’s nearly 30 years old, the Glock 17 reached iconic status some time ago. Since its introduction, the company has introduced myriad other models varying in size, caliber, sighting arrangements and whatnot.
But the 17 soldiers on. Unless you’re a diehard devotee of a 19, a 20 or a (insert favorite model number here), the 17 is probably what most folks think of when they think of Glock.
Obviously, on a pistol this successful, any major “reimagining” is going to be out of the question. Nobody’s going to radically mess with the monumental popularity enjoyed by Glock.

But low-profile tweaks, enhancements or improvements within the basic framework are another matter. And that pretty much covers what’s been done with the new Gen4 17.