Lionheart Industries’ LH9C
At the 2013 Shot Show Lionheart Industries announced its LH series of pistols. The LH9C is Lionheart Industries’ most compact model in its LH series. Recently, I was fortunate enough to be sent a LH9C Novak edition in Cerakote Patriot Brown with a G-Code holster to look over.
Visual Inspection
I was impressed with the LH9C out of the box, or should I say bag. The LH9C comes in a Cordura Ballistic Nylon soft case that holds the pistol, two 10 round magazines, a bore brush, trigger lock, and other accessories. The Cerakote Patriot Brown finish looked good. Though most companies can put on a good show, the LH9C also fit my hand perfectly. It is slightly heavier than its polymer framed competitors, a Glock 26 only weighs 19.75 oz. However, I am accustomed to carrying a full size 1911, so I didn’t notice the weight at all. The LH9C has the feel of real metal, which for me is a big plus since I have not completely been converted to the polymer pistols.
No matter how impressive as the LH9C is to look at and hold, it is a glorified paperweight if it won’t function. So it needed some range time.
Performance Review
The trip to the range was eventful one. First, the chronograph malfunctioned. I apologize for not having the data, but the range I use is on private land in the middle of nowhere. Macgyver I am not; I could not fix the chronograph with bubble gum and spent shell casings.
However, we pressed on with testing. In short the pistol shot well. It had minimal recoil and a smooth trigger pull. We put over 100 rounds of various loads of ammunition through the LH9C. The LH9C functioned the way it was supposed to every time. While 100 rounds by no means constitute a durability test, the LH9C seems to be very reliable.
Sights and Accuracy
The Lionheart Industries website says the basic LH9C has a 3 dot fixed sight. They even have a very nice picture of the 3 dot fixed sight. Well, the LH9C Novak edition has genuine Novak Lomount Sights. The edition of the Novak sights enhances the speed of target acquisition. It also allows for customization with aftermarket sights, such as Trijicon night sights.
On top of the excellent sights, the LH9C is accurate. We only fired at targets 7 and 10 yards away, but we were able to put together some respectable groups after shooting it for a bit. I was able to keep several 5 shot groups inside of three inches. Accounting for operator error, which with this operator that could be significant, this pistol is plenty accurate.
The Holster
I was also pleased with the G-Code holster. This was my first experience with a G-Code holster. The OSH series of holster is a modular Kydex holster that features a fold/wrap design with Adjustable Pro-Safe tensioning. It comes in a right and left-handed version, and it is available in multiple colors and coatings.
The G-Code OSH Model holster simply works. It has a very smooth draw. I have worn it for a week now, to the range, to the office, and doing yard work. Through it all, the OSH holster held the LH9C snugly in place. Most the time I forgot that I was wearing it. Simply put this is an excellent holster for only $37.45.
LHC9 in the G-Code OSH Holster
Cautionary Tale about the Double Action +
The Double Action +, as Lionheart Industries calls the Triple Action, can be a nice feature. It is not necessarily my cup of tea, but if you are accustomed to it, I can understand the theory. However for those who are not accustomed to it, or those who think of pistols as an accessory and change the pistol to match their shirt, the Double Action + is a potential hazard. Unfortunately, it is a hazard that was realized in our trip.
While at the range, I let my future brother-in-law fire a few rounds. He is not a “gun guy”, or at least not yet. He had loaded magazines and shagged brass all morning, it seemed like the least I could do to let him fire a few rounds.
I had been evaluating the Double Action + before I handed it him. His first shot was fine. However, because he was confused by the smoothness and length of the first trigger pull, he thought there was a malfunction when the trigger did not reset all the way. His next shot, which would better be classified as an accidental discharge, went flying over the targets and the primary backdrop. Though we were in a safe location and the shot fell harmlessly in a pond next to the range, that situation could have gone bad quickly had we been a different area.
To be fair, the Double Action + is not to blame in this story. It is my fault for not teaching my future brother-in-law the particular quarks of the Double Action +, before handing him the pistol. However, it is indicative of the potential problem that could arise from those who are unaccustomed to it.
The Lionheart Industries LH9C is good pistol for personal defense. It is compact enough for concealed carry, and it performs very well with the G-Code Holster. At $595, the LH9C is not the cheapest pistol in its class, but it seems to be a fair price. It will also be an extra $100 for the Novak version. If I had the spare cash I would love to add a LH9C with Novak sights to my collection. I guess I need to start saving my lunch money.