Australian man jailed for building and selling derringer type pistols
Several of the simple home-built derringers seized by police.
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These basic single shot pistols appear very similar to the Cobray / Leinad sheet metal derringers, but with floating firing pins and a simple turn-latch.
A LAKE Macquarie man who was making handguns that fell into the hands of Newcastle drug dealers was jailed on Monday for four years and six months.Andrew Peddie, 40, was a fitter machinist at a large Newcastle firm when police attended his workplace and later found a single-shot pistol in his locker.The pistol could fire a .22 calibre round, a statement of facts tendered to Newcastle District Court said.Peddie initially told police he found the gun while fishing, but when officers raided his Etheridge Crescent, Edgeworth, home on February 13 they found four guns, various parts and designs showing how to make the pistols.The discoveries came after the state’s bikie gangs squad found one of the home-made pistols in a Belmont North home during a raid in 2011.
See also – P.A Luty’s Expedient Machine Pistol designs test fired by Australian police…