.44 Magnum The Most Versatile Handgun Caliber…?

Mr Revolver argues that the .44 Magnum is the worlds most versatile handgun caliber …
I know this is going piss-off many of my readers but before moving on to your other favorite firearm blogs take a deep breath and continue reading. Keep in mind I am not saying the 44 Magnum is perfect or best suited for a firefight, the best range cartridge or even the best hunting round. But what I am saying is paired with the right handgun or carbine the 44 Magnum is the most versatile cartridge known to man.
44MagReview3The Remington 44 Magnum has been my favorite handgun caliber since I was a youngster. As a matter of fact when I became of age with enough cash saved my first handgun purchase was a Colt Anaconda with an 8in barrel.
My person opinion is that the .22 Long Rifle is by far the most versatile cartridge every made for pistol or rifle. Sure, if I was in Alaska I would much prefer to have a .44 Magnum on my hip than a .22 LR, but if I was ever in the situation where I was forced to depend on only one cartridge, chances are I would have 100-500 times more .22 LR on hand (and able to carry) than .44 Magnum cartridges. 

Also, if the S really hit the F, .22 will make an admirable currency.