"The Colt M1911" is a single-action, semi-automatic, magazine-fed, recoil-operated pistol chambered for the .45 ACP cartridge, which served as the standard-issue side arm for the United States armed forces from 1911 to 1985. It was widely used in World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. The M1911 is still carried by some U.S. forces. Its formal designation as of 1940 was Automatic Pistol, Caliber .45, M1911 for the original Model of 1911 or Automatic Pistol, Caliber .45, M1911A1 for the M1911A1, adopted in 1924. The designation changed to Pistol, Caliber .45, Automatic, M1911A1 in the Vietnam era. In total, the United States procured around 2.7 million M1911 and M1911A1 pistols in military contracts during its service life. The M1911 was replaced by the M9 pistol as the standard U.S. sidearm in the early 1990s, but due to its popularity among users, it has not been completely phased out. Modern M1911 variants are still in use by some units within the U.S. Army Special Forces, the U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps. Designed by John Browning, the M1911 is the best-known of his designs to use the short recoil principle in its basic design. The pistol was widely copied, and this operating system rose to become the preeminent type of the 20th century and of nearly all modern centerfire pistols. It is popular with civilian shooters in competitive events such as USPSA, IDPA, International Practical Shooting Confederation, and Bullseye shooting. Compact variants are popular civilian concealed carry weapons, because of the design's inherent slim width and the power of the .45 ACP cartridge.Colt pistols have long represented the gold standard in magazine-fed semi-automatic handguns. Modern semi-automatic pistols all trace their roots to the famed Colt M1911 pistol, designed by John Browning and the standard-issue U.S. military sidearm from 1911 to 1985. Colt 1911 pistols and their descendants were in the hands of confident World War I, World War II, Korean War and Vietnam-era servicemen. Colt customers today can purchase reproductions of these weapons, each faithfully manufactured to the original specifications from factory blueprints.The M1911 has also remained popular with US Special Forces units which have carried variants during the Iraq War and Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. As a result of their use of the weapon, the Army Marksman Unit began experimenting with improving the M1911 in 2004. Designated the M1911-A2 project, they produced several variants for Special Forces use. The M1911 has been produced under license in other countries and is currently in use with numerous militaries around the world. The weapon is also popular with sportsmen and competitive shooters. In addition, the M1911 and its derivatives are in use with law enforcement agencies such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Hostage Rescue Team, numerous local S.W.A.T. units, and many local police forces.Colt M1911 Specifications:
Cartridge: .45 ACP
Capacity: 7 round detachable box magazine
Muzzle Velocity: 835 ft./sec.
Weight: approx. 2.44 lbs.
Length: 8.25 in.
Barrel Length: 5.03 in.
Action: Short Recoil Operation