The Firearm Blog Acquired By
I am excited to announce that The Firearm Blog has been acquired by AllOutdoor will be launching soon and will be a sister site to The Firearm Blog that will focus on all things outdoor, including firearms and hunting.
I have been working with the new owners and I really like their vision and new ideas. I think they have what it takes to push TFB to the next level. They are very connected in the gun industry and bring skills and relationships to the table that TFB has not previously had.
To help answer any questions, I have prepared a brief FAQ …
Will The Firearm Blog remain “Firearms, Not Politics”?
Yes! This was the first thing I asked. They definitely do not want change the focus of TFB.
Will Steve remain as editor?
Yes! I am staying on as editor and all our writers are staying on as well.
Will TFB remain editorially independent?
Yes it will.
What will change?
I am working with the new owners to bring new design to replace the really outdated site theme I originally designed back in 2007. I can’t wait for the new site theme to go live.
All the gun industry news from the around the world will continue to get just as much coverage, but we will be expanding the types of gun products we cover and we will be increasing the number of gun reviews.
Won’t you need more writers?
Yes we will. Later this week I will let you know how you can send your résumé to us. Please wait until I post instructions, do not send them in early.
I have some concerns.
You can always email me directly at with any concerns now or in the future.