Nighthawk T4
What defines a premium 1911? For some, it’s masterful engraving and 24-karat accents. Functional shooters may measure it in group size and mean rounds between failures. But 1911 aficionados seem to have one thing in common: We know excellence when we see it. And I saw it when I peeled back the zipper onNighthawk Custom T4’s green-padded case.
It would be tempting to describe the pistol in relation to the features it shares with previous Nighthawk models. But the T4 is a unique entity. Based on the Officer-size frame, it doesn’t quite match original Officer specs. Barrel length is 3.8 inches, and the frame has been thinned out. The latter feature allows more grip purchase for smaller hands and a flatter presentation against the body for concealed carry. I don’t have big hands, and I find the thin frame noticeably more comfortable. The T4 comes standard with VZ Alien grips made of G10 canvas Micarta. The ramped National Match barrel is flush-cut to the frame and nicely crowned. There’s a small window cut at the chamber end to serve as a loaded-chamber indicator.